巨头间的竞争,已经远远不止于手机、智能硬件、互联网产品了。Google 正在尝试更为前瞻的高科技领域:生物技术。Google 日前宣布,正在收购一家名为 Lift Labs 的生物技术公司。
本周二刚刚发布Apple Watch智能手表,移动游戏开发商Flying Tiger Entertainment(以下简称“FTE”)就发布了首款Apple Watch游戏。
雅虎新闻:Russian Hackers Release 5 Million Gmail Usernames and Passwords Online
It’s good news/bad news time. The bad news is that someone got his or her hands on nearly 5 million Gmail addresses and corresponding passwords and made them all public. The good news is that even if your Gmail address is on the list, the password may be too old to merit much concern.